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IMAGE imgs/rsg_final_symp_-402.gif

IMAGE imgs/rsg_final_symp_-403.gif

FIGURE 6. Tanker returns First Rocket Fuel Payload to
Earth Orbit. A 10 Mg Tanker returns about 500 Mg.

IMAGE imgs/rsg_final_symp_-404.gif

FIGURE 7. Rocket Propellant or Fuel fromSpace can fuel the
Fankers going to a Very Near Earth Comet. In which Case only
the Tankers need be launched, not their much Heavier Fuel.

FIGURE 3. Comets contain critically Useful
Materials such as 50% Water, ~5% CO, ~5% CO2,
and 1/2% Bound Nitrogen. Heat liberates or
converts Comet Raw Materials into Rocket Fuels
and Propellants, Plant Food and Construction

IMAGE imgs/rsg_final_symp_-406.gif

IMAGE imgs/rsg_final_symp_-405.gif

FIGURE 8. Four Tankers return 500 Mg of Fuel
each, or 2000 Mg.

FIGURE 4. First Visit to Comet sends a Water
Extractor, a Purifier, a Storage Tank and a Space
Tanker to bring Materials back to Earth Orbits. A
Small Nuclear Heat Source enables Extraction.

IMAGE imgs/rsg_final_symp_-408.gif

IMAGE imgs/rsg_final_symp_-407.gif

FIGURE 5. Extractor stores Pure Water in Storage
Tank. The "Waste" Heat from a 20 kW, Nuclear
Electric Generator liberates in excess of 36,000 Mg
during one 4.2 Year Comet Period.

FIGURE 9. A "Gas Station" at HEEO provides either
Water Propellant or Cryofuel. Trips to Mars, the Moon or
elsewhere, or Commercial Interests, could use the Gas