Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science, York University, Toronto, Canada, page 247

Jacobs, Cliff and Spalding, Dick (1992) state that they have observed these events and can provide some data taken
using U. S. government satellites. They can be reached at: Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 505 844 5934

Lebovsky,Larry, ICARUS 48, pp. 453-459, wrote most of papers on surface hydrated objects and depth of regolith,
describes amount of loose H2O

Marsden, Dr. Brian, (August 1992) Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams, Circular No. 5586, "(4015) 1979
VA = COMET WILSON-HARRINGTON (1949 III), " Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA
02138, USA, Tele 617 495 7244/ 7440/ 7444, MARSDEN@CFA or GREEN@CFA (.SPAN, .BITGNET or

McFadden , Prof. Lucy-Ann, (August 1992) at University of Maryland (301) 405 5822, described Oljato emission
two consecutive nites, good S/N ratio.

NASA 1991: "Analysis Of The Synthesis Group's Mars Exploration Architecture," LMEPO Document XE-91-001

Ostro, Steve (1992) private communication verifies Adonis to have radar spectrum similar to Callisto, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, (818) 354 3173

Powell, James, Ludewig, Hans (August 1989), and Maise, George, of Broohkaven National Laboratories, Upton,
New York, co-inventors of neo-fuel, calculated particle bed steam rocket designs showing 3000 MW thermal
power in just under 4000 kg, with operating temperature of 1200 Celsius. Work done in 1989. They can be
reached at (516) 282 2440

Russell, C. T. (May 1987) "Interplanetary Magnetic Field Enhancements: Further Evidence for an association with
Asteroid 2201 Oljato," Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 14, No. 5, pages 491-494

Russel, C. T., Arghavani, M. R., and Luhmann, J. G. (1984 ) "Interplanetary Field Enhancements in the Solar Wind:
Statistical Properties at 0.72 AU", # 0019-1035/84, Academic Press Inc., ICARUS 60, 332-350

Russell, C. T., Aroian, R., Arghavani, M., Nock, K. ( 5 Oct 1984) "Interplanetary Magnetic Field Enhancements and
Their association with Asteroid 2201 Oljato", Science Volume 226, pp. 43-45

Russell, C. T. (1990) "Interplanetary Magnetic field enhancements: evidence for solar wind dust trail interactions,"
Adv. Space Res. Vol 10, no. 3-4, pp (3)159-(3)162

Shoemaker, E.M. and Helin, E. F. (Jan 1978) "Earth-Approaching Asteroids As Targets For Exploration," NASA
Conference Publication 2053, pp 245-248, and also supplied Survey Plate of comet (4015) 1979 VA = Wilson -

Stone, James R, Vernon H. Gray, Orlando A.Gutierrez (1975) Lewis Research Center, "Forced-Flow once-through
boilers", NASA SP-369, Scientific & Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Washington DC, , page 9 for cyclone boiler concept

Sykes, Mark (1992) Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, co-inventor of neo-fuel,
discovers dist trail on NEO's & comets, provides near Earth asteroid plots and comet composition data.
Telephone (602) 621 2288, .

Wetherill, George (1992) states that there are about 3 events per year of this kind and that it has been known for
about 20 years. He can be reached at: 202 686 4375, Dept of Terrestrial Magnetism, DTM , Carnegie Inst of
Wash., 5241 Broad Branch Rd, NW, Wash DC 20015

Wetherill, G. W. (1991) "End Products of Cometary Evolution: Cometary Origin of Earth-crossing Bodies of
Asteroidal Appearance," R. L. Newburn, Jr., et al (eds.), Comets in the Post-Halley Era, Vol 1, 537-556, Kluwer
Academin Publ, Netherlands

Zuppero, Anthony (May 31 -June 4, 1992) "Rocket Fuel To Earth Orbits From near-Earth Asteroids and Comets",
American Society of Civil Engineers, Third International Conference on Engineering, Construction and
Operations In Space, , Denver Colorado

Zuppero, Anthony C (30 June - 3 July 1991) "Simple Propulsion to Mine Rocket Fuel from Near Earth Comets",